Story Philosophy
Once Upon A Time …
These are four of my favorite words. Strung together they create an invitation to a different place.
Today, the world is wounded. Its people are fractured. What can we do about it? Here’s an idea: let's heal the world with stories that cut through the darkness and unite us. The world needs stories that surprise us, entertain us, and remind us that we are all part of humanity. We all deserve dignity and respect. Every individual’s journey includes sorrow, joy, anger, fear, longing, frustration and hope. In this way, we are all the same.
The Power of Stories
I was bullied as a child. I felt alone and out of place because I was different. Stories became my escape as well as my touch point. They made me feel that I wasn't alone, that monsters were real and sometimes wore beautiful faces. When immersed in a story, I was powerful and could change the world. I felt seen, I had value, I wasn’t alone with my sadness. I realized that laughing together was pure magic. Stories gave me hope. I know that stories have the power to heal, to transform, and to bring us together. They can teach us how to survive, and where we aspire to be as a society.
The Current Industry Mindset
What stories are we telling today? The movie industry is focused on chasing the box office weekend, relying on test audiences, and churning out safe “cookie-cutter” hits. They invest in franchises that, instead of broadening the world, skin the original with one or two new characters. The focus is on style, which is the easiest part to change. The industry rewards directors who churn and burn through artists in their quest for “more of the same”. The business is frightened to take risks thereby painting itself into a corner and blaming the audience for putting them there. In the pursuit for quick money, originality has been lost!
A New Vision for Storytelling
This is the perfect time to be creative. Timeless and meaningful stories require quality and depth. Stories have the ability to run deeper and reach further. People return to stories that move and resonate with them. We need other voices—gentle voices and diverse storytellers—to shine. Being a storyteller means being brave. Being creative means taking a chance. Being different is not only OK, it can be marvelous.
Our society struggles to see our interconnectedness—across gender, race, and even with our planet. Stories can reveal our shared humanity and help heal these wounds. Stories can be the bridge that connects us, the light that guides us, and the bravery that inspires us. People deserve better stories, now more than ever.
I'm searching for a place that values storytelling and builds community, safety and inclusion. My perfect fit is a place that celebrates and honors what stories can do and seeks out storytellers from all walks of life.
If you believe in the power of great stories, let’s connect. Let’s create something special; something that honors the true magic of storytelling. Let’s make the world a better place, one story at a time.